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Re: REALITY CHECK TIME! - vehicle bail out morale tests in Stargrunt

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2002 15:50:58 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: REALITY CHECK TIME! - vehicle bail out morale tests in Stargrunt

--- Adrian Johnson <>

> whatever.  That result forces an immediate
> Confidence test for the crew to
> avoid bailing.  The crew failed, and jumped out,
> even though the *only*
> game effect damage to the vehicle was that it
> stopped moving.  At the time,
> the vehicle was carrying a squad of infantry.  I
> believe what happened was
> that the crew failed its test, but the infantry
> squad passed theirs, and
> stayed in the vehicle.  The rules say that the
> occupants, including
> passengers "if appropriate", have to make the
> Confidence test.

You gotta be kidding me.  They have to make a
confidence check to avoid loosing 1-2 confidence
levels.  I'm in favor of that.

Realistically, they would automatically dismount.

Think about it.  This is a GEV--it's sprinting from
one position to another 1-2m above the ground when
some missle slams into it.  So the passengers hear a
thunderous boom, the track is slammed like the fist of
God just slapped it, then it drops down and skids to a
halt.  If anyone has ever been in a major vehicle
accident, you know sort of what the sensation was
like.  Now imagine it's deliberately inflicted by
peopl who want to kill you.

By this time, I'm already leaping out the hatch, thank
you very much.	It's a tossup whether I'm scared to
death or incredibly pissed at whoever shot it (and
that's what the Confidence Check is all about), but
I'm definitely getting the hell out.


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