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Re: [SG] More questions from the weekend - Stargrunt rules questions.

From: Allan Goodall <agoodall@a...>
Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2002 11:46:04 -0500
Subject: Re: [SG] More questions from the weekend - Stargrunt rules questions.

On Tue, 16 Jul 2002 04:00:08 -0400, Adrian Johnson
<> wrote:

> There
>is NO situation in the rules that would allow the vehicle in question
>move while a separate unit was activated and getting on board.

That is my argument. I'm in agreement with you, as per my previous post.

>Irrespective of what DS2 does or does not say, that isn't really
>to what the Stargrunt rules say, and I can't find any reference to a
>vehicle having to spend an action for troops to embark.  Am I missing a
>reference in the Stargrunt rules here?

Nope, you're not. It's just vague. And while I can see TomB's point in
bringing up DS2 rules for, say, a house rule interpretation of loading
unloading, it's not relevant to a question involving SG2 rules. 

> So, the whole 5 minutes isn't taken up
>with moving - there is more time in there to do other stuff (like sit
>listen) and that extra time could be when troops embark, disembark,

I agree with you. However, the area I have a problem with is one of
part of the squad and vehicles that are independent. If a vehicle is
part of a
squad and just sitting somewhere parked, it would only have one action
after the squad embarks (and this is assuming the squad was already
within 6"
of the vehicle once it activated). If the vehicle is independent, a
could move up to the vehicle with one action, embark with another, and
vehicle would _still_ have two actions. This penalizes vehicles that are
of a squad, even though -- technically -- they should be less penalized
they are part of the squad. Training, communication, etc. should result
closer integration with a vehicle that's part of a squad.

How does _that_ inconsistancy get fixed? One way is to make all vehicles
independent, and the problem essentially goes away. Another is to assume
vehicles are part of a squad unless it's something special like VTOL
transports, or something. 

I see Tom's point, but I don't think the rules have an easy fix for it.

>This situation came up several times, and we all agreed it didn't make
>sense, except as an artificial limitation on the rules to prevent
>from dominating the game.

Part of the problem is the short vehicle range bands. Another is the D12
band die being the top end. I suggested making the range band die shift
in my previous e-mail. Another thing that would be interesting to test
using 24" range bands for vehicles.

>Now, we understand that they are talking about the maximum *effective*
>range, not the maximum possible range, but still.  Somehow, it doesn't
>sense that a whacking great big gun on a tank could shoot effectively
>roughly the same distances as a squad of troops with their rifles...

Well, if you're talking about a modern style tank gun firing HE
then I'd go to the "On Table Artillery Fire" rules on page 47, giving
tank essentially unlimited range on the table to hit the infantry. The
for vehicles firing at dispersed targets is usually meant for trying to
infantry with armour piercing projectiles. Of course, how would you then
describe a DFFG shot? If it's a big ball of fire, then I could see
coming up
with artillery type stats for it and using the On Table fire rules to

I don't think it's a big deal for tank guns if you use the On Table
rules; let the tank switch to HE fire against infantry. It is an issue
RFAC/1s which should fire like a big machine gun. It is an issue with
some of
the other sci-fi ammunition.

This is a good place for a house rule.

>Now, SHOULD heavy weapons be more effective?  Do we want them to be?  I
>maintain that they should be somewhat more effective, but I don't want
>game to suddenly be dominated by vehicles if they are used.

Jon describes this effect as the heavy weapon spraying shrapnel from a
ground burst, etc., like what might happen if an APFSDS shot impacted
ground nearby troops. I would argue that if you want vehicles to be more
effective against infantry, let them treat anti-infantry projectiles out
of a
tank gun as on table artillery. The rules for making them more effective
already there. 

>I tend to give RFAC a boost re impact when it comes to hitting
>and let them use their d10 impact.  But even then, it is less than the
>Gauss SAW which does d12 impact, and is certainly less than a HAMR
>does d12x2 vs. all targets.

All heavy weapons are hampered in range. The biggest issue is the 12" x
class of the target for the range band size. The size of the gun has
to do with it (other than to give more impact). How about a range band
to: 12" x (weapon class size + target size)? That would give RFAC/1s 24"
bands and RFAC/2s 36" range bands against infantry. 

RFAC/1 and RFAC/2, GACs, and HELs in anti-infantry mode need to be
somewhat. They need support weapon stats (instead of the D8 impact
dispersed targets) as well as more realistic range band sizes. Leave
HKPs, and MDCs as they are, though HVCs can be treated as on table
when firing HE-style projectiles at infantry. DFFGs should probably have
burst radius for an anti-infantry mode using the on table artillery

>However, RFAC vs. Power Armour troops?  They are treated according to
>rules as dispersed infantry just like guys in their regular fatigues. 
>tried running games where RFAC hits on PA get their full effectiveness
>x 2) vs. PA, and it seems to work ok.	Certainly makes things hot for

RFACs, GACs, and HELs in anti-infantry mode are broken. They are
essentially a
hybrid weapon (can take on some armour, if needed, but are very good
infantry). This needs to be addressed. Perhaps my range band idea,
would work. Or we just need to give these weapons new support weapon
How did you do major/minor impact against PA when PA should be treated
infantry. Wouldn't a "minor" hit just be a suppression and a "major" hit
be D10 impact? Or did you make a "minor" suppression only and a "major"
D10 x
2 impact versus PA?

>It was really funny, and great gaming sportsmanship.  Kudos to the
>NAC players.

Sounds like a great game!

Allan Goodall

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unimaginable mortician was revealed!" 
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