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Re: [FT] Command and Control

From: "laserlight@q..." <>
Date: Tue, 9 Jul 2002 14:37:02 -0400
Subject: Re: [FT] Command and Control

Charles said:
> > Squadron Co-ordinated Firing

I said:
> Yuck.  Unless you have a lot of squadrons, this makes the outcome of
> the battle highly dependent on which squadron wins the initiative
> roll.

Charles said:
>Which is why it's only suggested for large battles - to speed up play.

Most of the others might work okay if you have a small number of
This one does not.

eg each side has 1 BB squadron and 2 CL/DD squadrons, total 15 ships per
side--certainly big enough that squadron movement would speed things up.

But if you fire by squadron, whichever side wins initive will fire their
squadron first, of course.  This just perpetuates the

I'm not saying this wouldn't be useful in huge battles, but the players
need to be aware of the effects instead of just applying them without

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