[SG] Assaulting an IP force
From: "Thomas Barclay" <kaladorn@m...>
Date: Wed, 3 Jul 2002 13:12:33 -0400
Subject: [SG] Assaulting an IP force
IP is non-specific. It is making use of available
cover. That could mean having created shell
scrapes with the e-tool, it could mean piling
rocks, it could mean finding a good log to get
behind, or failing all of that, it could mean just
lying down.
One way or the other, whatever it actually is, it
provides a benefit in the first round of HTH
combat (refer to the HTH rules in SG2 if you
don't believe me). This makes it a greater
danger to assault IP troops.
Given this is the case, one might think that
anyone seeing the enemy down and ready IP
might be a wee bit more reticent in attacking.
(I myself find the idea of attacking troops on
OW to be rather horrendous, but that isn't as
easily determinable as IP and is a house rule to
IP has a clear impact on how the close assault
is fought and the results, and that should be
enough to mandate a +1 penalty to the
initiation test in my eyes.
It is far easier to assault a moving unit, an
unaware unit, a unit busy doing something else,
a suppressed unit, etc. than a ready, dug-in,
overwatching unit or worst of all, all three of
those. And the assaulting troops KNOW that.
(Well, maybe not the yellow-chits.... maybe they
should suffer no modifiers to CA initiation cause
they just don't know enough to be terrified)
Thomas Barclay
Co-Creator of http://www.stargrunt.ca
Stargrunt II and Dirtside II game site
No Battle Plan Survives Contact With Dice.
-- Mark 'Indy' Kochte