Re: The GZG Digest V2 #1225
From: Scott Siebold <gamers@a...>
Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 00:55:46 -0500
Subject: Re: The GZG Digest V2 #1225
>Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2002 22:24:13 -0400
>From: Ray Forsythe <>
>Subject: Re: Patrol vs. the Cave Dudes
>John Atkinson wrote:
>>--- Laserlight <> wrote:
>>>From: Ray Forsythe <>
>>>>Dirtside minis with Stargrunt rules?
>>>Please note that I was NOT the one, this time, to
>>>suggest using 6mm figs for StarGrunt--although it's so eminently
>>>logical that it hardly needs to be suggested anyway, ie it should be
>(Why do I have the sinking feeling I'm walking into something here?)
>Uhhh. . .
>Anyone got about 2-3 batallions of 6mm power armor
>based individually?
>Ah. Well that would be a problem. I was thinking in terms of using the
2/3/4 6mm
>infantry stands (since Stargrunt seems to be primarily squads shooting
>squads) and trade out the stands to "make change for units" if you
break off
>detachments and such.
In 6mm I have one bn. of power armor (mounted individually), and one bn.
of Infantry (mounted at 2 to 1) that
are PAINTED. I have another 2 human and 2 alien battalions waiting for
the brush..
I mounted my power armor (PA) individually due to a higher level of
training and equipment then the straight Infantry..
I give them a hit point of 2 (by dirtside II) when fired at as armor or
infantry target.
My Infantry is mounted 4/5 figures per stand (7 to 11 man squads) with 4
figure squads having hit point of 3
and 5 figure squads having hit point of 4. Most special weapons, special
forces and command stands are mounted
2 figures per stand (hit point of 2)
The big advantage for PA is they have 7 fire elements per squad, 23 per
platoon where straight infantry has 1
fire element per squad and 5/4 per platoon (cmdr + 4 squads or cmdr + 3
squads for different size squads). The
big disadvantage for PA is that they are brittle and must dice off for
availability (95% on initial landing for example
while 25% after having been used continuously for 72 hours).
I have the TO&E for my PA and infantry battalions if interest (not
flame sort) is shown.
Scott Siebold