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Re: [ds] barrel sizes

From: Ray Forsythe <erf2@g...>
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 22:04:43 -0400
Subject: Re: [ds] barrel sizes wrote:

  > G'day,
  > OK today I got thinking about DS....
  > For all the different main weapon types (MDC, DFFG etc) will it hold
  > larger classes need larger barrels or could some things (e.g. HELs)
have the
  > same barrel for all?

It doesn't have to.  For MDCs, you could say "Yes, the barrel on that
class 4 
MDC is the same as the class 3 MDC. The class 4 has a higher muzzle
velocity and 
a higher rate of fire so does more damage."  Similar handwaving will
work for 
projectile weapons.

  > Also how would you rank the required barrel size of the main weapons
  > e.g. would MDC's need to be smaller/larger than DFFG etc?

For projectile weapons, from short to long HVC -> MDC -> HKP.

For DFFGs and HELs I tend to think in terms of shorter, wider barrels,
that's hardly definitive.

  > With all that in mind, I have received my WWI tanks (big thanks to
  > Brown for his outstanding generosity). I don't want to make stats
for them
  > as WWI tanks (i.e. crap against modern tanks), but I don't want to
go saying
  > something with such a small barrel is some weapon type that would
need a
  > barrel the size of a house. I have British MkII, MkIII (I think),
MkIV, MkV,
  > MkVIII, Hornets and Whippets, so any suggestions? (I was thinking
may be
  > HEL's but they're not renowned for their punch I must admit).

After looking over what picture I could find, I'd suggest DFFGs and
maybe one or 
two vertical launch GMS/Hs (especially for the wider ones like the
MkVIII and 
the Whippet).  "Where are the launch tubes?" they ask. "Under an armored
on the roof" you say.

Ray Forsythe - -

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