Prev: Re: TABLETOP DEBRIS Next: Re: [SGII/FMA] Fire Hawk Down


From: "B Lin" <lin@r...>
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 16:11:06 -0600

Another possibility is to return to older historical mountings and have
flags for each unit.  If you have a standard or flag bearer you oculd
interchange flags as necessary.  Perhaps even better would be to glue a
small plastic bead to the base of the leader and then use the hole as a
standard mount for flags glued to piano wire.  Flags could then have
troop quality and leadership number painted on them.

Using pennants (i.e. Red three would be three small red triangular
pennants on a pole) could be another style of marking stands without
having a large flag in the way.

Beads might be another way to mark quality - a small post glued to the
base would be a place to attach an appropriately colored bead for
quality.  Multi-colored beads could be used to denote better leadership
- i.e. Green 2 would be a green and white bead.  My understanding is
that you can make beads from Fimo clay in various patterns, colors and
sizes (i.e. you can make beads that have a triangle or star in them)
Thus you might make solid green beads, beads with a white circle (level
2) and green with a white triangle (level 3).

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Minadeo []
> Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 3:52 PM
> To:
> > If you mount figures on a base, you can do some neat things 
> with foliage.
> >
> Some means of temporarily affixing the lichen so that you 
> could one, two, or
> three very small bushes would work as well as allowing you to 
> change an
> officer's quality from game to game.
> It might be feasible to mount the bush(s) on a small bit of tape or
> metal/magnetic strip with a bit of an overhang. The overhang 
> would actually
> go under the officer's base with the bush then seemingly 
> attached to the
> edge of the base.
> Or just place the clumps on the table and move them around 
> with the officer.
> Just make sure everyone remembers to take their status with them.
> Discarded bits of gear would be good for this. Confident 
> squads would have
> no gear laying about loose and each step down would garner on bit.
> Generally I'm a big fan of using figure markers but where 
> each figure = one
> combatant though figure markers (other than actual 
> casualties) don't really
> appeal.
> Little stones or pebbles could be used for confidence. 
> Although in this case
> perhaps a confident squad should have more stones and lose 
> them as they lose
> confidence.
> Much goodness snipped below...
> Bob

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