RE: A little help...
From: "CS Renegade" <njg@c...>
Date: Sun, 9 Jun 2002 12:45:37 +0100
Subject: RE: A little help...
From: On Behalf Of Warren Shultzaberger
Sent: 09 June 2002 10:57
Subject: A little help...
> Could someone send me the "sign off" so
> I won't have to wade through 5,000,000
> emails when I return....
What's the problem with sorting through five
million e-mails? Wot no threading?
From: CS Renegade
Sent: 02 June 2002 18:28
Subject: RE: [OT] Help
>> Send a message to
>> with a blank subject and the message text
>> unsubscribe gzg-l
>> Assuming that you're sending from the mail
>> account you originally subscribed from.
>> Also see
>> gzg_mailing_lists/gzg_mailing_lists.htm
>> taking care to join those two lines back
>> together again.