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RE: [SG] And now for something completely on-topic. . .

From: Chen-song Qin <cqin@e...>
Date: Sun, 02 Jun 2002 02:10:32 -0600
Subject: RE: [SG] And now for something completely on-topic. . .

The "chauvinism", as you call it, is based on the style of actual
Eastern Roman military treatises where enemy ethnic groups of the Romans
were put into stereotyped categories, along with the proper procedures
to deal with them.  e.g. people X does this and that, their strengths
are blah blah, and their weaknesses are blah blah, etc.

"Computer games don't affect kids, I mean if Pac man affected us as
we'd all be running around in darkened rooms, munching pills and
to repetitive music." - Kristian Wilson of Nintendo, Inc.  1989

-----Original Message-----
From:	John Hamill []
Sent:	Sunday, June 02, 2002 1:29 AM
Subject:	Re: [SG] And now for something completely on-topic. . . 

I loved it!

It was just chauvanistic to be funny, and yet provided some excellant
tactical advice for dealing with such a unit. Keep up the good work,
your TO&E's are some of the best items from this list that I print out
and save.


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