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RE: Playing both sides (was: Re: The same old shit!!!)

From: Beth.Fulton@c...
Date: Sun, 2 Jun 2002 11:49:18 +1000
Subject: RE: Playing both sides (was: Re: The same old shit!!!)


> Granted.  Tactically, but what about strategic level actions?

I'm not real great on the distinction between the two and in this case
actually play them as "waiting to see who won and then smack them down"
both levels ;)

If I were to anthropomorphise their thought processes I guess my take is
"why get my hands dirty when lesser beings will do it for me...". So
the KV, PH and HS (homo sapiens) need to do is get over their petty
squabbles, create a grand alliance and go kick some SV butt ;)



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