Re: [FMAish] Portraits in Pewter
From: KH.Ranitzsch@t...
Date: Thu, 30 May 2002 09:53:51 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Re: [FMAish] Portraits in Pewter
John Crimmins schrieb:
> And now for something completely different.
> )
> Other than the TBM versions, does anyone make figures
> like this? See, I need
> some Satanists for my modern conspiracy skirmish game,
> and it occurred to me
> that making them gamers would fit perfectly into the
> tabloid mindset....
Well, a certain obscure company named Ground Zero Games produces some
Go to the webstore and look under the "Street Level"
heading - the ones with the SLG code numbers. The 'Goth' figures might
also be of interest, as well well as some of the spaceship crews (as
'Trekkies' or similar).
The other ones I know are from Kenzerco and show the "Knights of the
Dinner table":