Re: [OT] French was: [SG]Artillery
From: Roger Burton West <roger@f...>
Date: Tue, 28 May 2002 08:11:16 +0100
Subject: Re: [OT] French was: [SG]Artillery
On Tue, May 28, 2002 at 02:42:31AM -0400, Ryan Gill wrote:
>But the British were defending France. Had France gone it alone, it'd
>have had far more problems. France's response to the war shouldn't
>have been "Yaaay, we won!", rather it should have been, "We're really
>damn glad you guys were here!"
That would mean the French admitting that they were less than perfect,
though. In terms of teaching their kids what happened during the war,
even now they bias things even more than Japan...
>Its military mistakes and how not to run a war that looks like it
>will be static defenses.
It's very easy for us to say that they were mistakes, but nobody had
significant experience with reliable machine guns; the question is,
how long should it reasonably have taken to adjust to this new and
terrifying weapon?
(No, I'm not going to restart the fighter thread. :-)