Re: Roadkill (some noise to make up for all the fighter signal)
From: Ryan Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Sat, 18 May 2002 20:50:03 -0400
Subject: Re: Roadkill (some noise to make up for all the fighter signal)
At 5:36 PM -0700 5/18/02, John Atkinson wrote:
>Now, if I hit the moose in my _work_ vehicle, then the
>moose looses. Probably almost as bad as my CO's HMMWV
I'd be worried the Moose would crush the fiberglass and sheet metal
>did last week. 51 tons beats 2 1/2 tons. And steel
>beats fiberglass.
51 Tons? Are you an M60 CEV driver now? I had you figured for one of
the M113 bound guys that plays with MCLCs and such....
Hmm, maybe you'll know this, what's a good military trailer that will
support a 4 ton load? I've looked at an M796 but it's too heavy in
the tare weight class and is really an 8 ton trailer (4 tons off
road, 8 tons on). I ask as I'm looking at putting together a
transporter for the ferret and dingo that will have an Isuzu FTR
truck configured to look like one of the new fancy FMTVs. It will
make a nicer over the road transporter than an M35 or M54 would for
long trips to Pa from Ga.
Ryan Gill
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