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From: "Tomb" <tomb@d...>
Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 17:48:44 -0400
Subject: Kravak


You know more than you think. When I talked to a key source within GZG
(I won't mention his Jon name Tuffley here to preserve his anonymity),
he indicated these were used as a bit of an inspiration for the
sculptor. 2300 was a very GZGverse style of universe, had about the same
time period for setting, and had some EXCELLENT artists who produced
some very good work. GDW produced a lot of good stuff in its time. 

Notice how some weapons seem to look like the 2300 ones? Kafers (no
umlaut for me...) look a lot like KV? The Goliath looks like the M9, the
Rommel like the german Panzer, and the Wombat like the German GEV AIFV?
And the FSE look a lot like Legion in 2300? Now, a fair number of these
can be explained by similar source material and ideas (a near-to-today
recognizable-ish sci-fi game is likely to resemble another). But their
is at least a passing nod to 2300. 

Which, BTW, has inspired me to work on a 2300 conversion for SG2 and
DS2. Haven't got around to worrying about FT/Star Cruiser yet. Will post
it when I get done. 

The other thing I recall from 2300 vividly... the Kafer name for humans.
Das Flieschessen (sp?) which they suggested translated as "meat-being".
Bugs.... can't live with em, but you can shoot em. Least as long as you
shoot FIRST.

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