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The Wolf-man's tank!

From: "Tomb" <tomb@d...>
Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 18:05:40 -0400
Subject: The Wolf-man's tank!

Superior Work Randy! 

I second Jed's call though: Get your rear in gear and cast these babies.
Or talk to Tony at Brigade or Jon at GZG, etc. I'd buy one (or two or
three or four). You should think about that before you paint it. It'd
make a pretty cool resin, although it might take some work. Sure easier
than building another one. 

Bumper Stickers:

NAC MBT sticker: "MDC - Makes Dead Commies"
HEL armed vehicle: "Let their be LIGHT!"
"Kravak: Can't live with em, CAN shoot em."
"My other MBT is a 6000 pt. OGRE."
ESU Comissar vehicle: "Shoot first. Forget the questions."
NSL MBT: "Volkspanzer: The People's Tank"
"Warning: Being in my sights may be hazardous to your health."

Why are KV bugs? Well, they aren't fish. And they aren't animals like
Bambi. And they clearly aren't birds. Ergo they are clearly Bugs! You'd

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