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Re: FB designs & fighters

From: Michael Llaneza <maserati@e...>
Date: Tue, 14 May 2002 21:02:27 -0700
Subject: Re: FB designs & fighters

David Brin has a theory that Anakin was acting as a double agent for the

light. He killed a lot of people.... but  terror tactics have never 
worked to control a subdued population, purging your officer corps is a 
Bad Idea, letting the droids get away with the plans, ignoring a visit 
to his homeworld etc.

As usual with Brin it's an interesting idea.

Eric Foley wrote:

>If the Death Star had known that a fighter assault could have destroyed
>as such, and had _really_ wanted to stop it, it could have.  Very
>It _did_ have the fighter materiel aboard to do so, but the commanders
>board refused to use it, out of overconfidence.

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