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Re: Brian's fighter idea

From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 06:03:17 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Brian's fighter idea

On 10-May-02 at 05:53, Eric Foley ( wrote:

> From: "Tomb" <>
> > It also would do a poor job of simulating some genres
> > where people repeatedly attacked larger ships without returning to
> > carrier.
> Perhaps what is necessary is to have two different sets of CEF for
> fighters.  This would be modelled after Star Wars, Star
Blazers/Yamato, and
> real life genres, where all-purpose fighter-bombers have
bombs/missiles for
> attacking starships and lasers/guns for attacking other fighters.

You know, this just triggered something.  What are you reading/watching
where there are repeated attacks on large ships without carrier
I can't think of any with traditional (1 or 2 seat) fighters.  Anime?
I don't watch much of that.

The only thing I can think that might be a problem is HH LACs.	It still
feels odd calling something with an 8(?) man crew a Full Thrust

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