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From: "Tomb" <tomb@d...>
Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 20:55:12 -0400

To briefly take our minds off the ceaseless fighter argument... (*grin*)

I was thinking about GMS systems and what they can and can't do in the
Tuffleyverse, specifically in SG2.

What we don't seem to have:

- Laser designation (or the equivalent) for GMS/arty/DFO (though we do,
oddly have figures)
- Over-the-horizon (OTH) (or whatever you'd call something that can
launch an attack out of LoS) capabilities
- Active emission homing missiles (like a high-tech HARM)/artillery
round/DFO load
- Off board GMS (cruise missiles?)
- Programmable attack GMS (to hit weaker sides of a vehicle such as top
or rear)

Now, me an Allan have been discussing some of these. I've taken a first
poke at the Laser Designation part of things (trickier than it looks).
But what about the other areas?

OTH missiles would probably need the designation rules, though possibly
not if they were real smart. They'd be launched with maybe a GPS
targeting solution followed by having a homing head (to pick up
'painted' targets) and maybe another stage of visual or signature based
target ID in the even no designation was present. 

HARMs or the like could actively target any unit that had communicated
(possibly) or any ACTIVE EW unit or unit using active sensor suites
(GSR, etc). This would insert into the game a DARN good reason for EW
units to consider being inactive, or moving around a lot. 

Off-board GMS might appear as heavy rockets, but might be considerably
more accurate. They also might have a multi-level targeting capability -
designator, signature/visual, GPS coords. 

Programable attack GMS are probably quite feasible, but what kind of PDS
or other penalties should appear due to the altered attack profile, if
any? Should the missile miss more often? 

Looking for some discussion from those who might know, or failing that
have an opinion sufficiently advanced that I find it indistinguishable
from magic.....

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