Re: [OT] Explosives question
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Tue, 7 May 2002 17:37:57 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [OT] Explosives question
--- wrote:
> to work (US carrier is in town). They went over the
> thing with a fine tooth
> comb, but didn't check where the wheels sit (I've
> now seen this two days
> running). Why? Can't you sit an explosive there?
Are you sure? Every time I've pulled guard on a
vehicle gate here at Ft. Hood the standard procedure
included running a mirror on a pole under the vehicle,
with an emphasis on the wheel wells.
> Australia's nuclear reactor site! I also noticed
> that all the officers
> aren't wearing their uniform ashore this time...
> though to be honest you can
> still pick them a mile off.
Oh, yeah. Americans are pretty obvious. Fitting in
is not one of our strong points.
Of course, it doesn't help that US military personnel
tend to be the physically fit young males with short
haircuts moving in groups (and for Army and Marines,
unconsciously in step with each other). Not your
average tourist or native profile.
Plus we're drunk way before it's reasonable, usually
talking loudly (in obvious Yank accents), and
frequently spending too much money on way overpriced
junk. "If it's shiny, we like it. UFOs, Beer Cans,
Fishing Lures. . ." Jeff Foxworthy was talking about
rednecks but there's a good amount of overlap.
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