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Flak buys a clue! was Re: Geohex

From: Flak Magnet <flakmagnet@t...>
Date: 06 May 2002 12:40:57 -0400
Subject: Flak buys a clue! was Re: Geohex

I recently had to bow out of the Fighter discussion because I don't own
anything but the basic rules and this sale give me no further excuse... 

*cue fanfare*

I have bought myself a clue regarding discussions of GZG games. 
Geohex's sale of the rulebooks a 50% has prompted me to buy FB1, FB2,
Dirtside and StarGruntII.  (I also bought some jr Miniatures' 1/285th
buildings, but that's neither here nor there.)

I'll be reading much in the upcoming weeks and then trying to drum up a
bunch of players to give the games a go... How many times do you think
I'll have to say "But you can use your [Evil Empire] models IN THIS
GAME!  Look, I've already made stats for them!"?

On the downside... my wife might see the bank statement for this little
transaction... *sigh*  Women, can't spend haphazardly with 'em, can't
perpetuate the species without 'em.  (Though who'd really ever want to
try having a world without 'em?)


On Mon, 2002-05-06 at 10:42, Roger Books wrote:
> It was already mentionned, but Geohex is selling GZG minis
> at 20% off and GZG rules at 50% off.	I just spent far 
> more money than I should have.
> Roger Books

--Flak Magnet
Hive Fleet Jaegernaught

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