[SG/FMA] Futuristic police & misc.
From: Brian Burger <yh728@v...>
Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 13:57:28 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [SG/FMA] Futuristic police & misc.
If you're looking for some painting or scenery building inspiration,
the computer game 'Oni' out - it's a 3rd person anime-style action game,
very cool in itself and with great 'sets'.
The cops inspired the livery of my own 25mm police, with a blue, grey &
orange scheme. Screenshots at http://www.gamesurge.com/pc/oni/index.htm
amongst others. The lady with purple hair is our heroine; she's also in
customized version of the cop armour/uniform.
http://animetryx.com/oni/police11.jpg gives you an idea as well.
The game's levels are spectacular as well; supposedly designed using
actual, architectural CAD programs to get details & scale right. It's
inspired a bunch of my 15mm & 25mm scratchbuilding.
GZG's BGC police are excellent anime-inspired cops; I've got four of
painted that I must get pics of soon.
Brian - yh728@victoria.tc.ca -
- http://wind.prohosting.com/~warbard/games.html -