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RE: Andromeda

From: Charles Taylor <nerik@m...>
Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 18:22:23 +0100
Subject: RE: Andromeda

In message <>
	  "Brian Bilderback" <> wrote:

> >From: Charles Taylor <>
> >What I forgot to add - the 1sr episode dialog gives an approximate
> >volume for Andromeda of 20 million cubic m (actual hull volume) -
> >that 96.4 kTonne, thats 5kg per cubic m - or 1/200 of the density of
> >water!
> Ok... by "Actual Hull Volume", do you mean, "Actual volume of the
> from which the hull is constructed" (Which would make for a very thin
> indeed), or does it mean the more logical "Actual volume of the
> space of the hull" (In which case the "density of water" thing
wouldn't be 
> that applicable to the hull material)?
> 3B^2
The latter - just the ratio of MASS to volume seems a bit low - even for
a largely hollow spacecraft... I could be wrong though :-)


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