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RE: Andromeda

From: "B Lin" <lin@r...>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 13:50:55 -0600
Subject: RE: Andromeda

The original stats were:

Crew: 4,200

Length: 1301 m
Beam: 976 m
Height: 325 m

Mass: 96,408,876 kg or 96.4 kilotons (metric)

Don't remember what the calculations for tons per mass unit were, but
for reference:

So at 10 tons per mass unit - 9,640 mass. 

or 100 tons per mass unit - 964 mass.

Also remember that the outer dimensions describe a volume that is mostly
empty space, the Andromeda has long tubular structures around the
perimeter but a much smaller "main hull" volume.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Tony Francis []
> Sent: Monday, April 29, 2002 2:12 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Andromeda
> > -----Original Message-----
> > Some of you who track FT scales (or notional ones), how big would 
> > 
> > Length: 1301 m
> > Beam: 976 m
> > Height: 325 m
> At 1/2400th, this comes out at a whopping 54cm long and 40cm 
> wide (ie five and a half tiems as long as an NAC SDN). I'm 
> not even going to think about the mass this represents ....
> Tony

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