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Re: Mr. Szabo's personal message to John A.

From: Derk Groeneveld <derk@c...>
Date: Mon, 29 Apr 2002 06:59:21 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Re: Mr. Szabo's personal message to John A.

On Sun, 28 Apr 2002, John Atkinson wrote:

> Uh, can I make a few points:
> I was posting short on sleep (approx 15 hours out of
> the previous 4 days) and having had in general a
> really long week involving rucking all over the back
> end of Fort Hood.


if this were the first time this happened one might feel this
But we have seen the same kind of posts, with the same kind of apology
time and time again. Could you please start to be sensible about this
NOT respond to messages that 'push your buttons' when you are very
It's a common practice to hold back on heated e-mails and review them a
few hours later, before sending them. It helps, honest.

> I responded with a message at my absolute worst.  The
> content was correct and I still have not changed my
> mind on the subject.	However my timing, phrasing, and
> my decision to post the message to the list instead of
> forwarding it to Szabo offlist were all inappropriate
> and I apologize to the List as a whole (excluding
> Szabo).

Of course you have every right to disagree with mr. Szabo. But the
sweeping generalisations and insults you are making are getting rather
tiring. In addition, they create the impression you are unaware
of/unwilling to see things from any other perspectives than your own. In
doing so, you really weaken your own arguments.

As for moderation and all, let's not go that length. But could you,
start and apply a little self moderation? Thank you.

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