Re: SG-1 and Andromeda
From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 15:35:45 -0700
Subject: Re: SG-1 and Andromeda
>From: "Tomb" <>
>The real trick would be finding some 25mm figures for modern with
>or MP-5SDs and wearing PASGT and body armour/LBE....
Too bad 1/35 model figs are too large, you could use Tamiya's SEALS,
Forces, or D-Boys...
>As to how to
>represent her manouverablility, I'd run Andromeda as a cinematic ship
>while running the others as vector. That would give a bit more "out
>turning" capability.
True. In B-5 Vector seems truer to the show, but in Andromeda, I'm not
sure. Either option should work.