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Re: Andromeda Ascendant mini etc. (was RE: SG-1 RPG)

From: Charles Taylor <nerik@m...>
Date: Wed, 24 Apr 2002 18:59:20 +0100
Subject: Re: Andromeda Ascendant mini etc. (was RE: SG-1 RPG)

In message <002801c1eba9$acba5ea0$>
	  "Dean Gundberg" <> wrote:

> > Another thing I'd love to see is a
> I've gotten more than a few emails from people who read my Starship
> News website asking:
> "Is anyone making or going to make a mini of the Andromeda?"
> My answer:
> "Not that I have heard."

I'll add Me and Adam to the list of people who want a
"Not-Starship-Andromeda-Ascendant" - or even a whole fleet to that
scale - some of the other ships from that series would be quite nice as
well :-)

> Though I do get more people asking:
> "Will Comet make any more Battlestar Galactica minis?  If not, does
> else?"
> My answer:
> "Comet Galactica's are hard to find and I don't think they will be
> more.  I do know of someone who has mastered a new Galactica mini -
> with a BaseStar and other ships from the show - but he is looking to
see if
> he can get a license to produce them plus he has a lot of other things
> he has to get in molds first.  Keep checking SCN and when I hear
> more, I will post it on SCN."
> Dean Gundberg
> Starship Combat News
> The latest information on Space Games and Miniatures
The last time I was in Comet (many months ago) it was hinted that Comet
_may_ be planning to re-start the mini-metals line, but I haven't heard
anything since :-(

OTOH Irregular Miniatures do a passable "Not-Battlestar" and a passable
"Not-LEXX", plus a number of "Not-Star Trek Classic" ships.

Another think I'd like would be ships from the old BBC series "Blakes 7"
- Liberator, Fed Pursuit Ships etc.


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