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Re: Nukes

From: "Eric Foley" <stiltman@t...>
Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2002 22:57:32 -0700
Subject: Re: Nukes

----- Original Message -----
From: "Thomas Barclay" <>

> Enough to give you the willies, if you really think
> about it. Especially with Saddam, the Iranian
> guys, and the likes of Al-Queda looking for their
> services.....

To be honest, I'm not that scared of it.  I personally believe that if
Qaeda had gotten their hands on any of these "suitcase nukes", we
would've had unambiguous proof of it, because they most likely would've
them either to prevent the Taliban from falling in Afghanistan or as a
vengeance weapon of some sort already.	It simply makes no sense for
them to
have waited this long without using them.  If they weren't using them
because they lost some of them in the fighting, we should've found them
ourselves in the wreckage.  In simple terms, I just find it incredible
they'd have them without us having had _some_ obvious sign of it by now.

And Iran and Iraq are both nations in their own right, and hence have a
less use for other nations' nuclear weapons when they don't have the
personnel or expertise in place to be able to maintain them.  It stands
reason, from where I'm sitting, that they'd far prefer to build their
than steal someone else's.

I begin to think that the whole "unaccounted-for nukes" story is either
urban legend that the media throws out every now and then to sell stuff,
flat out isn't true.  Not enough of it adds up.


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