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Re: Battle blimps

From: Ryan Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 10:09:05 -0400
Subject: Re: Battle blimps

At 2:01 PM +0900 4/18/02, Edward Lipsett wrote:
>Doesn't even have to be very significant... helium manages to fit
>remarkably small holes that are completely AIRtight.
>on 02.4.18 1:13 PM, K.H.Ranitzsch at wrote:
>>  It's Helium, not "puffed air". unless you are speaking of a hot-air
>>  And any significant leaks will.force the blimp down.

Eventually. I seem to recal reading a number of accounts as to how 
difficult it was to make a zepplin go down even after repeated 
exposure to machine gun fire from air craft. It wasn't until the 
advent of the tracer that it became much easier. The sheer size of 
the volume of air, makes it difficult. Additionally, as far as the 
leak issue in general, good year seems to have the general concept 
well in hand.

Ryan Gill
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