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RE: [MERCS] Weapons available [FH]

From: Beth.Fulton@c...
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 21:46:12 +1000
Subject: RE: [MERCS] Weapons available [FH]

> Won't have to face legal and political fallout?  Are
> you insane?  Mercs have a FAR higher vulnerability to
> Great Power actions than other great powers.	And as
> for political fallout, if a merc unit becomes known as
> the "Butchers of Beta Trianguli" and acquires a
> reputation for flinging nerve gas with gay abandon,
> then there is no way in HELL that they could ever get
> hired by anyone.  

I obviously have a more sceptical view of human nature. What about those
nations that are already "ostracised" by the other "respectable"
Especially ones with totalitarian regimes that don't have to answer to
populace. Worse still what if it was vs a target that the general
of said nation thought "deserved it as they were scum". Given the string
atrocities dotting human history I don't have a problem imagining that
could use them and "getting away" with it (the fact its a distasteful
is a whole different ball game). 

On the flip side playing a "war criminal" extraction scenario based on
an action could be a challenge.

>From another angle, especially given the KV push for Sol, under what
circumstances could you see "respectable" forces resorting to "weapons
mass destruction"?


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