From: Michael Brown <mwbrown@s...>
Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2002 18:16:35 -0700
Subject: RE: GEV RVs
I meant 2 inches in diameter.
Michael Brown
-----Original Message-----
From: John Atkinson
Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 10:51 AM
Subject: RE: GEV RVs
--- Michael Brown <> wrote:
> To give an example of how soil can effect the
> charge, we tried to use a shape
> charge to "dig" our hole for a cratering charge in
> the Mojave (FT Irwin). Blew
> a nice clean hole @ 2' in diameter, the cratering
> charge is @ 6" in diameter.
> The "book" said it should work.
Actually, if you start digging through the manuals (I
did in response to this issue) you find that in an
appendix in the 5-100 series Survivability manual,
there's a listing of conversion factors for types of
soil. Unfortunately it runs off of 2 letter acronyms
which I presume are explained in the Soils Engineering
FM. So I ignored it.
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