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RE: [DS] Gently -- Capacity, Points

From: "Bell, Brian K (Contractor)" <Brian.Bell@d...>
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 08:01:24 -0400
Subject: RE: [DS] Gently -- Capacity, Points

-----Original Message-----
From: Oerjan Ohlson []
Sent: Tuesday, April 09, 2002 17:39
Subject: RE: [DS] Gently -- Capacity, Points 

Brian Bell wrote	:

>I would like to see the following in the DS2 design system:

As a basic structure for a points-only system, this is almost exactly
I want as well. I don't really agree with the various actual numbers
- the value of a particular die size is only very rarely directly 
proportional to the die size itself :-(

[Bri] It was an idea, not a finished product. Thank you for your

>1) Tactical Points system.
>TAC = Movement Points * Protection Points * Offense Points + Carring

The cargo you carry on the battlefield - be it infantry, artillery ammo
something else - is almost always a "weapon" of some sort. The formula 
should therefore be

TAC = Movement Points * Protection Points * (Offense Points + Carrying 


[Bri] Alright. By the way, not stated, but assumed (on my part) was that
value that figures to 0, but is multiplied is set to equal 1.

>Protection Points are a combination of Armor Points * the average of
>Signature and (ECM + PDS)[round up].

ECM and PDS multiply with one another rather than add, so this formula

Protection points = Armour * (Signature + ECM * PDS)


[Bri] I was goint to average direct fire protection and missile
Protection Points = Armor * ((Signature + Missile Protection)/2). Note:
values have a minimum of 1 and rounding is done UP.


Brian's reply about GMSs and IAVRs being roof-hitting *snip*

[Bri] I actually said GMS and Artilery, buty your point is valid.

Armour/5 isn't worth five times as much as Armour/1, though. For the DS2

chit-pull damage resolution, the relative armour factors are roughly:

5 + Armour rating (+1 more if ablative or reactive)

[Bri] Acceptable.

>Signature has the following point costs: 1:12, 2:10, 3:8, 4:6, 5:4

Better: 1:12, 2:11, 3:10, 4:9, 5:8 (ie., 13 - Signature)

[Bri] OK.

>  ECM has the following point costs: Basic:6, Enh:8, Sup:10
>  PDS has the following point costs: Basic:6, Enh:8, Sup:10

A PDS die is worth more than an ECM die *snip*
ECM: None: 1, Basic:1.1, Enhanced: 1.2, Superior: 1.3
PDS: None: 1, Basic:1.2, Enhanced: 1.35, Superior: 1.5

...give the correct relations between the various (ECM * PDS)
but they're *not* properly scaled in comparison to the Signature values

[Bri] I was trying to avoid fractions if at all possible. How about:
ECM: None: 8, Basic: 9, Enhanced: 10, Superior: 11
PDS: None: 8, Basic: 10 Enhanced: 11, Superior: 12
Missile Protection = (ECM * PDS)/8 round up.

>Offensive Points are equal to the FCS value * range band points *
>strength points * Chit Validity points.

If it only were this simple... *snip*

>Range Band: Determine the range band by subtracting Medium Range 
>from Long Range. *snip*

Like KH I don't understand the reason behind this algorithm, although I
manage to parse it. One problem with it is that HVC/5, HKP/3-5 and
(with ranges varying from 40" to 60") all get a range band value of 14, 
while HELs and GMS/H are undefined (should they be 20 and 16
or should they be 14 as well?). None of the DS2 weapons fall in the
Range minus Range Band is more than 0 but less than Range Band/2" group,

BTW - the result of this subtraction is either 0, 1*Range Band, or more 
than 1*Range Band for all the DS2 weapons.

[Bri] I goofed. It should be something like "If the result of
the range band from Close range is equal to the Range band, add 1/3 the
range band points (round up). If the it is greater than the range band
1/2 the range band points (round up)."


Two further questions here:
- "All/2" is weaker than "Red" unless the target's armour rating is
than the number of chits drawn
- How do you account for the way chit validities vary from range band to

range band?

[Bri] Yes. "All/2" is weaker than "Red" but greater than "Yellow". I was
unsure how to handle it.
All except DFFG have a straight digression in chit validity. All ->
Red&Yellow -> Red -> Yellow. So I ignored the chit validity digression
range band (as it was constistant).

>Artillery has a range band points of 20.
>Artillery has a strength rating of Light:12, Medium:18, Heavy:24
>for 3 vehicles
>caught in blast radius due to unit coheriency].

Hm? Vehicles may be up to 3" away *snip*

[Bri] I goofed. Make it Light:6 Medium:9, Heavy:12.

*snip* Then add by movement type: High Mobility Wheeled &
>GEV:1 Tracked, Walker:2 Grav:3, VTOL:3, Aerospace:4, Amphibious:1.

I'd group Tracked and GEV together, with HMW trailing behind and LMW
worth even less. Walker mobility is actually more worth than Grav given
current DS2 terrain effects; a Walker with BMF X has a longer average
through mixed terrain than a Grav vehicle with the same BMF.

[Bri] OK.

Hm. I'm not entirely convinced that a BMF 15 Grav tank is really worth
than twice as much as a BMF 10 LMW with the same armament and defences 
though :-/

[Bri] I agree. But I am unsure how to proceed. Perhaps I will have to
to fractions at this point.

Brian B2 pointed out that vehicles that are physically large and/or
should get a (very) small points rebate, since their size can restrict
from using certain bridges, and also makes them more difficult to carry 
inside other vehicles.

[Bri] I as thinking that this fell below the grandularity of the
value of a vehicle. (But should be a part of the Strategic
Value calcualtions.)

>2) Tuffleyverse-specific capacity limitations.

Eg., use the current DS2 *capacity requirements* (not points costs!) for

non-armour systems, but charge 1 per level of armour per side and
the total capacity of the vehicle to 10*Size. The points cost of the 
vehicle is determined as above :-/

[Bri] Not specifically the current system. Just an acknoledgement that
would play a factor in figuring Startegic/Campaign points.

All in all I agree with the basic concept. The relative weights of 
Signature vs ECM/PDS and how to value weapons need to be worked on more 
though :-/


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