RE: [DS] Gently -- Capacity, Points
From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 10:33:46 -0700
Subject: RE: [DS] Gently -- Capacity, Points
Ryan Gill wrote:
>At 6:41 AM +0200 4/10/02, Oerjan Ohlson wrote:
>>3B^2 wrote:
>>>Maybe the type of attack should also modify the ability of ADS/PDs
>>>to defend, since a higher-flying Top Attack GMS/IAVR should present
>>>a slightly juicier target to those systems....
>>That's what I'm thinking as well, yes. Haven't translated it into
>>actual game mechanics yet though :-/
>Except at least one of the top attacks does so by flying directly
>over the target when coming from the front/side/rear of the target.
Nonetheless, at the end of its flight it still has to raise its altitude
high enough to come down on the top of its target. Given the level of
technological advance we're assuming for game PSB, even that fraction of
second at an altitude even a meter or two higher than normal should make
easier for a PDS/ADS to recognize and kill such a missile than to hit a
side-attack missile that stays low all the way to target.
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