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Re: [DS] No Capacity was: Points system (Merkavas)

From: Oerjan Ohlson <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Tue, 09 Apr 2002 06:51:52 +0200
Subject: Re: [DS] No Capacity was: Points system (Merkavas)

Replying to my own post here:

> >allow for removing about half of the main
> >gun ammo in favor of stretchers or a dismount team (making the
Merkava the
> >perfect IFV).
>At least some Merkavas - certainly the Mk.3, not sure about the earlier
>can remove up to all but the ready rounds (5-6 rounds IIRC) in order to

>carry more infantry, though that's usually only done in rear areas or
>vehicles on medevac duties. However, in a small battle (the size DS2 
>handles without too great difficulties <g>) 20-30 rounds go a fairly
>way... and the infantry carried can be vitally important too.

What's more, the Merkava's half-load of main gun ammo isn't that much 
smaller than the *maximum* ammo load on a T-72 or similar tank - so if
don't keep track of when the T-72 "should" run out of ammo, I don't see
compelling reason why we "should" do it for the Merkava either even when
is carrying infantry :-/



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