Re: [DS] Points system (fresh)
From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Thu, 04 Apr 2002 13:58:18 -0800
Subject: Re: [DS] Points system (fresh)
>From: (K.H.Ranitzsch)
>Not sure I understand you correctly here.
>As size is inversely related to the chance of being hit, small
>size/signature should cost more than large size, right ?
>I guess this is what you mean.
Lower signature should cost more than higher signature, yes. Regardless
whether that is accomplished by being small or using stealth methods.
Put a
bright pink bycicle in the middle of a freshly tilled field of brown
put an M1 Abrams, well camo'd, in the woods a hundred yards to the
which is harder to hit using the old Mk. 1 eyeball?
>On the other hand, the more stuff you pack onto a vehicle, the larger
>"real-life" size. Right too ?
>Putting these together means that to get down to a given signature you
>to pay more for a heavily equipped vehicle than for a light one.
Except that the capacity/points combo is just too cumbersome. It's the
result that matters - if taking a big vehicle and giving it enough
results in the same combat effectiveness as taking a small vehicle and
miniaturizing it, then their end point cost should be the same. So why
eliminate the size/stealth/capacity step and JUST deal with how many
such a vehicle should cost?
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