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Re: DS3 features

From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Thu, 04 Apr 2002 12:06:49 -0800
Subject: Re: DS3 features

Tomb said:


>Note 3: If the other player paid X (large number) points for his little
>nuclear jeep, in theory you should have a lot of stuff on your side
>is non-munchkin-like to fight him with.

Oy, again with the snippage....

>So, I would address this issue by making most designs public (Jane's
>2183) but not telling which ones I plan to bring. Also, realistically,
>you'd have some clue of typical organizational structures of your
>opponent. Either that or you've got a larger problem than a weak point

Mr. Barclay speaks the truth.  besides, while most of us do have an
to megamunchkin tactics such as those bandied, There are a few 
mouth-breathing types who CRAVE a scooter-from-hell concept... There are

some things you just can't make rules to prevent, and minchkinism is one
them.  There are gaming social reactions that work a lot better.  And if
minmaxers want to run jeeps that can take out the death star, more power
'em.  I don't have to play them.


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