Re: [DS] Points system (fresh)
From: Dances With Rocks <kochte@s...>
Date: Wed, 3 Apr 2002 22:06:19 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: [DS] Points system (fresh)
> It's always dangerous to ask such questions, but just out of
> All caveats etc aside, what would you like to see in a DS points
> (i.e. it doesn't have to resemble the existing one)?
Well, most everyone else has fallen off the point system request
and just gone into general DSII wishlist, so here's a few of mine
for the record (and we can then scoop all these up and put them
on the test list later ;-)
* More options for movement. EG, right now there is "Slow Tracked"
and "Fast Tracked"; what about "Medium Tracked"?
* More expanse to the firecon stuff. Right now we have "Basic",
"Enhanced", and "Superior". What about "Primitive"? (1d4). Or
"Advanced" (1d12) (could switch "Advanced" and "Superior",
but some might confuse "Advanced" and "Enhanced" then). I'd
also like to see more games in which not every bloody tank
on the field had "Superior" firecon, but rather "Enhanced"
or "Basic" (yes, it is all relative, so you can "dumb down"
firecons for certain scenarios in which you want to introduce
an even better firecon for some units, but still, most people
I know who played DS always use "Superior" firecon if at all
possible; like to see that reduced somewhat)
* Continuing firecon stuff, the ability to engage multiple
targets if your vehicle weaponry permits (say you have a tank
with two independent weapons). The second should be engaged
at a penalty to prevent over-cheesing of units, though, but
it would be a nice feature to adopt.
* Several things already mentioned, such as Stealth better
quantified and balanced, and armor costs.
That's it for now. Note, these only peripherally touch on
the point system. And don't really answer what you asked. :-/