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Re: Rules of Engagement examples (DSII/SGII)

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 18:09:53 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: Rules of Engagement examples (DSII/SGII)

--- Alan E Brain <> wrote:

> One lesson was on ROE.
> The example they showed was a squad proceeding down
> a road - 2 un-uniformed
> males run up, hurl insults, hurl stones, then hurl
> grenades, and run away.
> The ROE stated that they should NOT be shot at,
> because after throwing the grenades,
> they were no threat.
> In Australia, we call this "Bullsh*t". 

Wow. . .in US ROEs they would be shot at when they
pulled the grenades.  And if they executed their
attack and started to flee after, until they stopped

Why?  If they have 1 grenade, they might have more.  

US ROEs are not written by the UN and hence actually
make a good deal of sense.


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