MPs (2 for the price of one!) -sale's over, you just get one now.
From: Flak Magnet <flakmagnet72@y...>
Date: 02 Apr 2002 17:03:31 -0500
Subject: MPs (2 for the price of one!) -sale's over, you just get one now.
On Tue, 2002-04-02 at 16:33, Tomb wrote:
> MPs (quote Ryan, paraphrase similarly Flak):
> Standard uniforms plus shoulder tabs/brassards or arm bands.
> Okay, guys, you didn't quite answer my question (as far as I could
> tell). Both the Camouflage BDU and garrison dress are standard
> in most armies. Which "standard" uniform did you mean?
> Answer for:
> 1) MPs doing peacekeeping (directing traffic, etc): weapons? uniform?
Camouflage with subdued (meaning matching predominant colors of
camouflage) brassard. Normal weapons complement. (All the toys, big
guns, etc.)
> 2) MPs doing LEA at home or on a mostly peaceful base: weapons?
BDUs or dress uniform, dependent on post/day. On paydays in Panama they
had us dressed up in class B's (dress uniform without the jacket).
Brassard was black with white letters, with full-color unit patch (or
flag, again, depending on the post). Doing LEA they carried a pistol
belt, sometimes a nice Bianchi(sp?), sometimes the crummy old GI web
belt. That depended on whether or not the unit had the nice belts for
LEA activities. The belt usually held a pistol, club, radio, pepper
spray, hand irons, etc... Think of a batman utility belt...
> 3) MPs doing rear-area security in a hot conflict: weapons? uniform?
Same as 1, but add anti-tank rockets and a more complete ammo load-out.
> Thanks!
--Flak Magnet
Hive Fleet Jaegernaught
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