Re: [DS] Hidden units and detection, including Recon by Fire
From: Ryan M Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 15:45:00 -0500
Subject: Re: [DS] Hidden units and detection, including Recon by Fire
At 12:29 PM -0800 4/2/02, Brian Bilderback wrote:
>1. Voluntary unhiding - unit moves or fires or takes other action.
>Unit is immediately revealed (Should FO's be somewhat exempt from
>this for calling arty?)
Absolutely. Presumably if they've had time to hide. They've had time
to lay fiber to remote transmitters that have LOS to repeaters or to
satellites. Just observing and transmitting with secure comms
shouldn't reveal a scout unit or an FO team if they've hidden first.
>2. unobscured contact - scouting unit comes close enough to the
>hidden unit that the terrain no longer effectively obscures it
>(Enters the same buildings, trees, gully, etc.). This is risky.
this should be a combination of the spotted unit's training level and
commander's grade or based on the spotting unit's grade.
Red or Orange should be harder to find. It should be harder for green
troops to find an Orange or similar unit than if they are looking for
a regular unit. Infantry should be harder to spot than vehicles
(based on size).
>4. Recon By Fire. all elements in element must engage, to cover
>the area being beaten. scouting unit fires at the hidden unit marker
>as if it were an element with a signature of 1 (To reflect luck as
>much as accuracy). If a hit is scored, draw damage chits as if
>hitting a target, but ignore Immobilized and System Down/T chits.
>System Down/F count as normal. Boom chits mean 1 hidden element,
>chosen randomly, has been luckily hit. Re-draw chits to resolve
>damage, and unit is revealed. If no special chit is drawn, add up
>valid damage chits. This does not represent actual damage, but
>ferocity of fire as perceived by the target unit. If the valid
>damage is enough that it would normally destroy any element in the
>hidden unit. the unit must pass a resolve check at a threat level of
>1. Failure of any element means the unit is revealed.
Hmm interesting.
- Ryan Montieth Gill '01 Honda Insight -
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- '60 Daimler FV701H Mk2/3 -
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