Re: Re: [Paint] Magic Wash ink
From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 15:34:00 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Re: [Paint] Magic Wash ink
On 2-Apr-02 at 15:29, (
> Flak said:
> > On a mini-painter list that I'm on, watering down with 3:1
> > is recommended. Pigment/color is added to that mixture to taste
> > depending on the effect you want the wash to have.
> Schoon added:
> >If you want about the same effect as the inks you already use, add
> pigment/ink to get a similar translucence, More, more; less, less.
> Can you give me a rough ratio? 2 parts ink to 1 part Magic wash? 1
ink to
> 7 magic wash? I don't mind fooling around with it a bit but I'd like
> a starting point.
I just add ink until it looks right, but GHQ recommends 15 parts water
1 part ink. Substitute magic wash mix and it should work fine.