RE: Reading Request.
From: Don Greenfield <gryphon@s...>
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 22:53:03 -0700
Subject: RE: Reading Request.
At 10:25 PM 3/27/02 -0500, Ryan wrote:
>At 5:13 PM -0800 3/27/02, Brian Bilderback wrote:
>>Ryan M Gill wrote:
>>>Though I wish John had pushed back a bit more on the daftness of the
>>>lever action/semi-auto hunting rifle. Weber really wanted the "feel"
>>>of it so Ringo relented.
>>Could you elaborate for those who haven't read it, but are curious
>>the tech?
>One of the characters has a large bore hunting rifle that he takes with
>him on the "expedition" across the planet. It comes in handy as it
>out. Though initially the folks on the expedition are rather
>about the prince's choice of weapons.
It's actually a bolt action/semi-auto rifle. I don't see anything too
bizarre about it. If Franchi can make the SPAS 12 in pump/semiauto, I
can't see why it would be too terribly difficult to make Roger's
weapon. Why, is a bigger question. If you've got space drives and
power-armour, it shouldn't be too difficult to have semiauto hunting
as accurate as bolt-action jobs. HK does it today, after all.