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Re: KNOCKING THE ARMY-Conversion of NAC w/berets to ball caps

From: "Scott Case" <tgunner@h...>
Date: Sun, 31 Mar 2002 15:59:41
Subject: Re: KNOCKING THE ARMY-Conversion of NAC w/berets to ball caps

As an US Army vet I'll toss my .02 in...

I think the beret is stupid.

The old ball cap was a very distinctive and unique part of the army
When you saw a group of NATO soldiers it was pretty easy to pick out the

Americans by the 'ball caps'. In addition, the cap points back to the
history- remember the Civil War? Vietnam too...It also points to the 
American people and the national pastime- baseball. An easy visual link
the American people.

Berets were saved for the 'special' troops who went through a lot to
the right to wear the thing, unlike other militaries around the world
give the things away as part of the uniform. The "Army of One" concept
to glamorize the individual-guess it slipped past the PR types that came
with that that the beret was an individual award in and of its self.

I was a tanker, and I was happy with my ball cap. When I joined the ROTC
was given a Beret because I 'joined' a 'Ranger' platoon... It just
feel right to me to wear the thing because I DID'T EARN IT!
Guess pride in the US Army is being sacrificed in the name of making 
everyone feel 'good'. Kinda leaves a Vet feeling sick.

As an aside to make this little rant of mine 'on topic', I'm considering
conversion to a few of my NAC troops to give them a sort of American
(my guys have 1st ID patchs on their shoulders), and I'm thinking about 
maybe the old 'ball cap'... any ideas on how to do that conversion?


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