[SG] Exposed drivers was RE: DLD's fine kits and David's defense
From: Beth.Fulton@c...
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2002 09:53:51 +1100
Subject: [SG] Exposed drivers was RE: DLD's fine kits and David's defense
> PS - The kit reminds me of an Eldar Walker
> which I liked, except for the fact the entire
> body of the driver/commander was
> exposed to enemy fire. I think they PSB'd it
> with a force field, but the real answer was
> GW likes to show vehicle crew and they
> paint up neat. PSB was just to fill in the
> gap. I never liked that and still don't.
So what was the justification for the battle sister on top of the tank
the whatever she's firing (I use them as twin linked DFFG's)? When I run
this tank with my nuns that chick spends most of her time getting
unsuppressed or loaded into a coffin! ;)
Seriously though in cases like this I'd allow the firing player to
which bit of the vehicle they're trying to hit (so if nun on top she
gets no
armour from flank or rear) as opposed to just firing on the vehicle.