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Re: Force sizes

From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 09:18:01 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: Force sizes

E-3 Paygrade, uniform across all US military forces
Private First Class (PFC) Rank Title.  Would be a Seaman in the Navy

I'm not sure about the last number (3-4) but I think it was individuals
or groups under that E3.

Roger Books

On 22-Mar-02 at 04:15, Katie Lauren Lucas ( wrote:
> Quoting Scott Case <>:
> >E-3 or E-4 (Private First Class to Corporal) 3-4
> OK, the letter-number combos are ranks, but how come some of them tie
> the  same ranks?
> Would I be right in thinking there are 3 actual "positions" embodied
> each	person? What they command, their rank and their rank
> designation? 
> [I'm mostly a fantasy gamer. We have "normal blokes, blokes in charge,
> wizardy  blokes-don't-go-near-them-ever". ]
>	Katie Lauren Lucas, Consultant Software Engineer, Parasol

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