Re: "Education" System, was Re: [SG] HAMR
From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 23:26:47 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: "Education" System, was Re: [SG] HAMR
On 21-Mar-02 at 20:06, John Atkinson ( wrote:
> --- Brian Bilderback <> wrote:
> > I suspect that 75% is conservative.
> Depends.
> > >But at any rate, I soon discovered that "gifted" is
> > >generally teacher-speak for "I don't know what the
> > >hell to do with him!"
> >
> > Yeah, that's the core of it. Which is why some of
> > us should become teachers
> > ourselves.
> Try and reform the system from inside? I say burn the
> system to the ground and start all over again--this
> time with initial premises other than "Children are a
> nuisance and should be locked up during daytime
> hours." and "The function of the education system is
> to provide free childcare." As it exists, it's past
> reform.
The initial premise needs to have a "You get what you
pay for" somewhere in the credo. I get so tired of
hearing people bitch about "They just want to throw
money at it" when we aren't paying enough to allow our
brightest to teach.
Look at Los Alamos, the people there believe in education
,many are scientists. Yes, this gives their kids a leg
up, but in addition they hire PhDs for the local high
school. Those kids come out of public high school with
a better education than you get from most universities.
It isn't cheap.