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Re: [FT] Teach Newbie Vector or Cinematic?

From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 15:14:26 -0800
Subject: Re: [FT] Teach Newbie Vector or Cinematic?

>From: Ground Zero Games <>

>Couple of suggestions:
>Consider using "basic" FT2 style generic ship designs rather than FB
>specifics to start with,

This is good advice, that way the kid won't feel confined to be the 
"nationality" of the ships you give him (I know, I know.... but
is important, especially with kids).

and keeping to simple weapons (beams and stuff)
>rather than introducing the more exotic ones right away.

This will also give you a chance to observe his style, and if he does
into the game, opens up the chance to suggest other weapons systems that

might fit his preferred tactics.  Particularly take note if he comments
wishing he had a weapon that can produce X effect.

>A suggestion to speed things up if you fear waning of interest (and
>useful for teaching younger kids the game) is to start off with him not
>having to write orders - YOU write your orders, then he moves his ships
>he wishes (within the rules of course), then you move yours according
>your orders; provided you only use direct-fire weapons rather than
>placed-marker ones, this maintains the game integrity while making it a
>faster for the learner; after he's used to the basics of movement this
>THEN introduce the written orders for both players.

THIS IS EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!! Wow, wish i'd thought of it.

One last thing:  While I can't speak for ALL LD people, I have noticed
tend to be a creative, imaginitive bunch.  Play up heavily the imagery
goes with the game:  Not just the pieces and how they function, but 
especially the aspect of make-believe that these are mighty armadas
the vast ink.  I am willing to bet that the real world is often a 
frustrating place for this kid, if you can give him a universe where he
a stronger hand in his own fate, where his decisions have impact on what

happens in that universe, you'll find he'll be a loyal and frequent
to it.



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