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Re: FTL "Warp Surfing" Drive

From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 14:34:00 -0800
Subject: Re: FTL "Warp Surfing" Drive

Randy W. Wolfmeyer wrote:

> > Makes sense.  It would also stand to reason then that you would have
> > FTL courses that avoided any significant mass en route, no?
>That's not too hard, space is really big.

Not hard, but necessary.  That was my only point.

You'd probably plan your trip
>in limited distance runs, stopping every so often to check that you're
>course, making corrections and then go again.

Yep, that's what i figured, and it fits nicely into the type of
campaigns I 
like to run. :-)

><< means MUCH less than, and >> means MUCH greater than.

Duh.  Was it really that simple?  Now I REALLY feel dumb.

>Usually in
>physics we use these symbols to mean that we can ignore certain

Can you illustrate that point?

>How much greater or lesser than it has to be to use these symbols
>on the problem you're dealing with.

That makes sense.

> > I'd actually prefer to remain MUCH farther than that from any black 
> > for good, thank you.  ;-)
>See you've got it:  d >> black hole diameter.

That's not me doing good math, that's intuitive survival instinct. ;-)


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