Re: [DSII] What Size Forces Do I Need?
From: Indy <kochte@s...>
Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2002 17:46:02 -0500
Subject: Re: [DSII] What Size Forces Do I Need?
Brian Bilderback wrote:
> Indy wrote:
> >A DSII scenario John A ran a few years back at ECC II. It was....big.
> >Large. Massive. Huuuuuge! A seriously grandiose beach invasion It
> >in the Sunday morning timeslot (9am). IIRC they wrapped
> >up the scenario at 4 or 5pm? Unfinished. It became infamous in the
> >ECC area of life, and we now have an award for the longest running
> >at ECC called the Carter Island Award.
> Ironic, since in one of my RPG groups, we have a reference to Riker's
> that has similar connotations (an episode while playing champions in
> our characters responded toi a prison break by about 20
> >See? You guys should come to the ECCs, get in on the fun!! :-)
> From Oregon? Thanks, anyway. I'll wait for WCC.
Yes, from Oregon! :-) KR (Portland man) makes it out this way! (well, he
got kinda blindsided this year, but he woulda come again!) And Ted
has made it out from Calif twice (he would have made it a third time had
he not been called to duty :-/ ). ECC is the Happening Place(tm). ;-)