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From: "Richard Kirke" <richardkirke@h...>
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2002 11:34:16 +0000
Subject: Paintball

> > Hrm...  I didn't mean to throw people off paintball.
>I'm just a wimp. Various people keep trying to convince me to join them
>their sports, but frankly pitchlines like "What you do is get flown up
>mountainside in a helicopter and jump out with a surfboard tied to your

>If you land the right way up you get to race down the mountain on
>SNOW/..." put me off.

Hmmm, I'm a wimp too, it doesn't seem to put me off paintball (I am even

playing front this year =8-0 mental note; buy a cricket box today, that 
website made me nervous!

All you need is the right protective gear (I have, knee and shin pads, 
armoured gloves, neck pad, a rigid full face mask, a baseball cap and a 
healthy fear of pain; All these together means that it stings when i get

hit, but rarely anyhting worse.

Try it, get a group of mates together and go to your local site. You may

find that it will take over your life, but its ok, you'll like it



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