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Re: FT: Sa'Vasku ship costs...

From: "Imre A. Szabo" <ias@s...>
Date: Fri, 15 Mar 2002 21:02:49 -0500
Subject: Re: FT: Sa'Vasku ship costs...

> How about something along the lines of:
>	  X*GenMass*GenMass
>	  -----------------
>	    TotalMass
> No breakpoints.  X would of course need to be set.
> The problem is we are getting a bit complicated, kind of
> like your breakpoints.

My system doesn't require recalculating the price of the existing ships,
yours does.  I don't have a problem with existing ships, only with
created ships.	I use a spreadsheet, so I only have to do the formula
once...  Besides, Full Thrust is full of breakpoints, example damage
thresholds, beams, etc.

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